Wednesday 23 March 2011

How a specialist Health and Safety Consultancy Can Add Value to Your Business and Minimise Losses

As a business owner or manager, maintaining a sound health and safety policy should be your number one priority.

By law, you as an employer, are responsible for the safety of your employees. Therefore, it’s vital that you have a system in place for monitoring and containing health and safety hazards, thereby reducing risk of illness and injury. An established heath and safety consultancy can help you achieve this cost-effectively, with the minimum of fuss.

Utilising the expertise of an independent health and safety consultancy can benefit your business in a number of ways:

· As a director or owner, you may be so close to the business, that it’s difficult to take a step back and view your set-up dispassionately. Or perhaps you’ve always done things the same way, without questioning whether your methods and systems actually work, or how they might be improved. A specialist health and safety consultancy will be objective in their analysis of what you are doing well, and help you improve those things that aren’t up to scratch.


· In appointing an independent consultant to your business, you will be demonstrating your commitment to workplace health and safety – your staff will recognise that you take their welfare seriously and are more likely to feel valued as team members.

· Correctly training your employees in how to operate equipment safely will mean the likelihood of fewer accidents, resulting in less staff absence and better productivity levels. Plus, workers who are competent at doing their jobs have been shown to be happier!

· If you are a contractor, your customers will feel more positive about hiring your team, knowing that you take safety seriously and that all risks have been contained as far as possible. You will also be viewed more favourably in any tender processes you undertake.

Occupational Health Hazards

Are you aware that occupational health problems can cost your business four times as many absence days as injuries? Hazards include exposure to chemicals, asbestos, dust, manual handling and vibration tools, noise and stress. Most times you won’t know about the problem until your employee has reported sick, because unlike with a major incident or accident, workers don’t tend to mention it until they feel unable to carry on.

A professional health and safety consultancy can help you address the everyday risks and hazards your workforce faces, and help you and your employees go about your business with the minimum risk of injury or illness.

It’s a legal requirement that you take steps to make your place of business a safe and hazard-free place to work in as far as is practicable. It’s also a requirement that you involve your workers in consultations to identify the danger ‘hot spots’ and areas of concern in your workplace. These consultations can either be done directly, or through an appointed safety representative.

Don’t wait until the unthinkable happens, before you take action. One serious accident has been known to cost a business its livelihood. And you could face prosecution for failing to protect your workforce adequately.

Many specialist firms offer free health and safety consultationss that will identify potential hazards – ‘accidents waiting to happen’ – and help you address the problem. They will assist you in formulating a strategy for helping your workers keep healthy and safe.

Good leadership comes from the top. For total peace of mind, don’t you owe it to yourself and your workers to request a free, no-obligation health and safety check-up now?

SEE Improvements Health and Safety News

For Professional Health and Safety Consultants in Bexley, Dartford, Woolwich, Greenwich, Lewisham, Grays And Bromley Contact See Improvements today.

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